大气污染与气候变化是人类面临的重大环境问题,也是建设“美丽中国”、生态文明的重要议题。厘清两者之间复杂的交互作用,有助于科学决策,因而有迫切的学术和社会需求。而如何有效利用日益增长的环境大数据对上述问题进行研究,则是信息时代环境和地球科学领域面临的新挑战。张羽中博士致力于发展环境大数据分析方法,研究大气污染与气候变化在地球系统内的交互反馈机制,取得了优异的研究成果。截止目前,张羽中博士共发表SCI论文17篇,其中以第一作者发表在国际一流期刊(IF>3)的论文8篇,包括1篇NatureGeoscience(IF 13.9)和1篇PNAS (IF 9.5)等国际著名高影响期刊;并在多个国际学术会议和研究机构(如美国地理学会、美国气溶胶研究学会、美国航空航天局、多伦多大学等)作报告。研究成果受到国内外同行认可和关注。
Research Directions
1, Global methane mission inversion using multi-platform observations and GEO-Chem chemical transport model
2, Monitor global hydroxyl radical concentration with satellite observations of atmospheric methane
3, Identification of global oil&gas methane emission hotspot
1. Yuzhong Zhang, Daniel J. Jacob, Joannes D. Maasakkers, Melissa P. Sulprizio, Jian-Xiong Sheng, Ritesh Gautam, and John Worden. “Monitoring global OH concentrations using satellite observations of atmospheric methane.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 15959–15973, 2018.
2. Yuzhong Zhang, Haviland Forrister, Jiumeng Liu, Jack E Dibb, Bruce Anderson, Joshua P Schwarz, Anne E Perring, Jose L Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Yuhang Wang, and others. “Top-of-atmosphere radiative forcing affected by brown carbon in the upper troposphere.” Nature Geoscience, 10, 486-489, 2017.
3. Yuzhong Zhang and Yuhang Wang. “Climate-driven ground-level ozone extreme in the fall over the Southeast United States.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, 10025-10030, 2016.
4. Yuzhong Zhang, Yuhang Wang, Gao Chen, Charles Smeltzer, James Crawford, Jennifer Olson, James Szykman, Andrew J Weinheimer, David J Knapp, Denise D Montzka, and others. “Large vertical gradient of reactive nitrogen oxides in the boundary layer: Modeling analysis of DISCOVER-AQ 2011 observations.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121, 2016.
5. Yufei Zou, Yuhang Wang, Yuzhong Zhang, and Ja-Ho Koo. “Arctic sea ice, Eurasia snow, and extreme winter haze in China.” Science Advances, 3, 3, Pp. e1602751, 2017.
Upper Tropospheric Brown Carbon and Its Radiative Impact
Nature Geosciences, 2017
Using a unique set ofaircraft measurements, we show that atmospheric BrC, a little-understoodabsorbing agent in the atmosphere, is more dynamic than previously thought. Wefound BrC is prevalent in the upper troposphere and causesdisproportionately strong warming. Evidence suggeststhat convection may serveas the medium for generating and transporting BrC.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016
Despite the emission reduction in last three decades, surfaceozone during October has not seen a decreasing trend over the Southeast US, inconstrast to the decreasing trend in the summer. The October surface ozonecorrelates well with vapor pressure deficit, a humidity measure, suggestingthat a humidity-related mechanism controls ozone concentration in the fallseason.
Journal ofGeophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2016
In contrast to the popular well-mixed boundary layer assumption,we find a significant gradient of nitrogen oxides, important precursors ofozone pollution, in the boundary layer. The magnitude of the gradient issensitive to the atmospheric stability. The finding has strong implications tothe calculation of ozone production rate and satellite retrieval.
GeophysicalResearch Letters, 2014
Marine sulfur chemistry is a critical component of globalclimate system. Our study on a suite of aircraft measurements taken in theTropical Pacific identifies unknown sources of methanesulfonic acid (MSA), animportant yet not-well-studied sulfur-containing compound, near the oceansurface and in the free troposphere.
EnvironmentalPollution, 2011
This novel design of passive sampler is able to characterize thevertical distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the gasphase near the soil surface, helping researcher understand the air-soil exchangeprocess.